Passenger trains have returned to an upgraded Pukekohe Station for the first time in more than two years.
Pukekohe Station closed in August 2022 for KiwiRail to electrify the rail line ahead of the three new train stations being developed on this section of track. The Southern Line was previously only electrified as far as Papakura, where Pukekohe passengers needed to transfer between an electric train and a diesel train.
In the first two weeks of the new direct service between Pukekohe and Britomart more than ten thousand trips were made each way.
Auckland Council’s transport, resilience and infrastructure committee chairman Andy Baker
rode the first electric train from Pukekohe on February 3.
“Getting to the city centre from Pukekohe is now one easy train ride that’s 25 minutes quicker than bussing to Papakura and catching the train from there. It’s a cleaner, quieter way to travel than the old diesel trains and means we no longer need to transfer at Papakura.”
From Pukekohe to Papakura, over 800 mast structures have been installed to support close to 130km of overhead electric line to power electric trains, along with crucial maintenance work.
KiwiRail chief asset development officer David Gordon said the upgrade to this section of the Auckland network will support the current and future growth of the area.
“To prepare for this future growth, KiwiRail is now focusing on building three new train stations between Papakura and Pukekohe which will provide easily accessible, sustainable travel options for those living and working in the area.”
Work has already begun on both the Drury Railway Station and Paerātā Railway Station, with both expected to be operational early next year.
KiwiRail senior project manager Anthony Hellyer said a legal challenge in the early stages of the Ngākōroa Railway Station project delayed design and building meaning it will become operational later in 2026.
The new stations are part of a $1.5 billion investment to improve the resilience and efficiency of rail in Auckland for passengers and freight movement.
The Waikato-Auckland Te Huia passenger rail service has also added Pukekohe as a stop from February 10. As part of the change, Te Huia has discontinued service to Papakura Station.
In 2024, Te Huia carried 86,000 passengers compared with 66,000 last year.
The 21 Northern Connector and 44 Pōkeno to Pukekohe bus services also connect to Pukekohe station, improving the public transport network for north Waikato communities.