- By Andy Baker, Franklin Ward Councillor
Over the years, Franklin has had the benefit of many printed newspapers, with the earliest I could find being the Pukekohe and Waiuku Times (later the Franklin Times) which ran from 1912 until 1971.
We have seen many come and go as the reality of keeping a newspaper going proved too
It is that challenge that has seen the syndication of one of the most recognised which in itself has seen the emergence of new publications that seek to fill the void for locals who miss the ability to learn about what is going on in our wonderful part of the world; and there is a lot!
So, it is great to welcome Franklin Times which we used to enjoy as Rural Living. Thanks to
Bo, Helena, and the team who have taken on the challenge of providing our rural
communities with locally focussed news and information, I look forward to being able to
This year is a council election year and even though the elections are many months away, the political posturing and positioning is in full swing. This term of council has been like no
other in my experience as we have set about making significant changes to what, how and
where we do things, the latest being the proposals to change our Council Controlled
Organisation structure which I support.
For me, this is more that after nearly 15 years, change is needed to meet the needs of both the council and Auckland. It will make we who are elected more accountable and open to greater scrutiny. A good thing. Perhaps the frustration often expressed by people at what council or likes of Auckland Transport are doing is because there is a lack of understanding as to why they are doing that and who set them on that path.
If we politicians from local boards to the governing body are to be more responsible for what happens, it may well create greater opportunities for people to stand in the elections with particular policies as opposed to what we currently have. With empowerment comes
responsibility, something I welcome.